Saturday, February 16, 2008

A little update

Well, they have finally put the stone in arround my fireplace! I guess I didn't take it at a good angle because it is hard to see the texture/3d nature of the fireplace...but I really like it in person! Closing is only 2 weeks away!

Last week after months of getting to work in the dark, I started to see the first hints of light on the horizon. At least I guess it will feel like I'm getting to work later :)

In other realms, things are going great. Details for the church plant are moving rapidly forward and most items seem to be falling into place. We have an initial place we can meet as a church planting group, but are still looking for a good place to start our official public meetings. If would pray for God's provision that'd be great!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Can you hold the waters in the palm of your hand?

"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand..." Isaiah 40:12

Today I listened to an awesome message by Bruce Ware from WorshipGod04 and was reminded of a cute story he tells of at time at the beach. He had just read Isaiah 40 to his kids (3 and 7) and so he took them down to the beach for an experiment with dad. He proceeded to walk out in the water and told his kids to watch the water level really closely has he their "big" dady scooped up as much as he could in the palm of his hands. Needless to say, the kids didn't see anything happen on a couple tries! He then told them that this was a "very important lesson." That even their "big" dad couldn't make an impact on the waters...yet if God scooped them in his hand the oceans would be totally dry...God is big and powerful beyond any human. I love the example of a father training his kids in such a way, but also even thinking of the simple truth is a good reminder that we serve an awesome God! He is so much greater than we often remember, and to him none compares.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

What to say?

Wow, there is so much I'd love to write about, and so many things that have been flying arround in my mind and heart. (all good...!) The past few weeks have just been full of all sorts of activity, but at the same time a time where I've been able to slow down a bit before the Lord.

I just finished a book that I very much loved called..."Too Busy Not to Pray." It was a fairly simple book, but really right along the lines of some things the Lord had been putting on my heart and a great encouragement. The first part of the book was geared towards a gaining a biblical perspective and faith for prayer. I actually started a post on that part last week, that I never finished...maybe I will at some point...but that in conjuction with reading some parts of the gospels was an awesome reminder of the greatness and majesty of the God we serve and his willingness to intervene. It was freshly faith building to live in confidence, following God's leadership and guidance and taking steps of faith...being aware that that things which would naturally seem daunting when considered from a human perspective are really nothing to be concerned about, but actually to be boldly pursued. We serve such an awesome God, capable of controlling whatever he pleases, be it events, human hearts, nature or anything else, that if he is in it he will work and do things much greater and accomplish that which seemed initially imposing to us.

The second part of the book then was more personally geared to encouraging the spending of just quite private time with the Lord and listening to his leadings. This section was also encouraging. One of the things I've been realizing in the past months is just the importance of not letting busyness, even if its serving in the church or family, prevent getting quality and consistent times with the Lord. I certainly do not "have it all together" when it comes to this, but I can say that as I've been spending more time before the Lord that he has been so kind to be increasingly meeting me. Reading the last section of the book was a fresh reminder of the wonderful gift we have of access to the Father and how much I want to grow in taking advantage of it. We have such a wonderful means of grace there as we seek him and he imparts wisdom, and power, hears our prayers and also deepens our affections!

There are many ways for me to grow in my pursuit of God, but I am encouraged that God is so faithful to continually draw and guide his children and that as we by grace seek and ask of him that he will reveal himself and pour out more grace!