Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Beginning

And so it begins...after not having blogged for a while, I'm thinking about resuming for two reasons. First, there are so many things going on and changing in my life, that with all the things going on it is hard to keep up with everyone here, not to mention my relatives and friends throughout the country. My hope is that this will help keep in touch. Secondly, I find that purposefully putting my thoughts down in a blog on things the Lord has been speaking to me, or doing in my life is a very helpful process for me personally, regardless if people are reading it. Though I do hope that it is also encouraging to you as well.

Blogger seemed to be a bit more "professionally" oriented site, so assuming I like "blogger," I will do my best to periodically post some thoughts and I'd love to hear from you along the way.

For those who are interested in seeing older posts you can link to

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