Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Can you hold the waters in the palm of your hand?

"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand..." Isaiah 40:12

Today I listened to an awesome message by Bruce Ware from WorshipGod04 and was reminded of a cute story he tells of at time at the beach. He had just read Isaiah 40 to his kids (3 and 7) and so he took them down to the beach for an experiment with dad. He proceeded to walk out in the water and told his kids to watch the water level really closely has he their "big" dady scooped up as much as he could in the palm of his hands. Needless to say, the kids didn't see anything happen on a couple tries! He then told them that this was a "very important lesson." That even their "big" dad couldn't make an impact on the waters...yet if God scooped them in his hand the oceans would be totally dry...God is big and powerful beyond any human. I love the example of a father training his kids in such a way, but also even thinking of the simple truth is a good reminder that we serve an awesome God! He is so much greater than we often remember, and to him none compares.


Lizzy said...

cute story! btw, did you take that pic! if so, it's really good!!!!

Jonathan M. Detwiler said...

I did take the pic...probably one of my few good ones. It is from Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia where our family likes to visit.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is that I actually know Mr. Ware's daughter, Rachel. I'll have to ask her if she remembers this lesson!

Jonathan M. Detwiler said...

That's cool Jen! How do you know Rachel?

Anonymous said...

She goes to Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. I was raised Southern Baptist so I know a number of people who went there for college. She's very good friends with my friend Ryan, and has a love for Sovereign Grace ministries. Long story short, we are kindred spirits and I met up with her at Na a few years ago-she simply had to crash the conference because she was home for the summer and lives in Louisville. It was the year her dad did a breakout session on the Trinity. Such a small world :-)